Laylat al-Qadr(Night of Decree)

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Date(s) - 14/05/2020
9:30 pm - 11:30 pm




Weekly Announcements

عن اميرالمؤمنين علي عليه السلام :
لا يَترُکُ النّاسُ شَيئاً مِن أَمرِ دِينِهِم لِاستِصلاحِ دُنياهُم إِلاّفَتَحَ اللهُ عَليهِم ما هُوَأَضَرُّمِنهُ. (نهج البلاغة لصبحي الصالح،قصار الحکم106،ص487)
Imam Ali(as): 
People do not abandon anything from the affair of their religion for the rectification (progress) of their world (life) except that Allah opens the more harmful thing for them (than that).

For well-being and safety of the community members and attendees we will not have program at Dar-ul-Hikmah until further notice. 

Instead, Inshallah we will have programs online via Skype video conferencing.

Please join the Skype group of Dar-ul-Hikmah. If you don’t have Skype account, it is free to join. You can use Skype on a computer, mobile phone or tablet. 

Please turn off your microphone and Video during online session.

Tuesday Program (May 12/Ramadan 18): Laylat al-Qadr(Night of Decree)

Program starts at 9:30pm(Online Via Skype):

  • Recitation of Quran

  • Dua Iftitah

  • Speech by Maulana Syed Jafar Rizvi. Speech topic:”The Qualities of a Believer, An Analysis of Surah Muminoon”

  • Amaal Qadr Night

Thursday Program (May 14/Ramadan 20): Laylat al-Qadr(Night of Decree)

Program starts at 9:30pm(Online Via Skype):

Commemorating Martyrdom of Imam Ali(as)

  • Recitation of Quran

  • Dua Kumail

  • Marsieh

  • Speech by Maulana Syed Jafar Rizvi. Speech topic:”One’s Relationship with God and Love in Islam: Lessons from the life of Imam Ali (as)”

  • Amaal Qadr Night

Friday Prayer (May 15/Ramadan 21):
No Friday Prayer this week


Saturday Program (May 16/Ramadan 22):Laylat al-Qadr(Night of Decree)

Program starts at 9:30pm(Online Via Skype):

  • Recitation of Quran

  • Dua Iftitah

  • Speech by Maulana Syed Jafar Rizvi. Speech topic:”Humility and the Night of Qadr”

  • Amaal Qadr Night

  • Dua Jawshan e Kabeer

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