Celebrating birth of Imam Mahdi(atfs)

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Date(s) - 11/04/2020
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm



Weekly Announcements

عن الامام مهدّي (عجل لله تعالی فرجه) :
اِلهي عَظُمَ البَلاءُ،وَبَرِحَ الخفاءُ، وَانکَشَفَ الغِطاءُ، وَانقَطَعَ الرَّجاءُ، وَضاقَتِ الأَرضُ،وَمُنِعَتِ السَّماءُ،وَاَنتَ المُستَعانُ، وَإِلَيکَ المُشتَکی،وَعَلَيکَ المُعَوَّلُ فِي الشِّدَّةِ وَالرَّخاءِ. (الصحيفة المهدية ص69)
Imam Mahdi(atfs): 
Oh Allah, the calamity has become great, & the secret has become revealed & open, & the curtains have been removed (from the works) & the hopes have discontinued & the earth has become narrow & the sky has refused the showers of blessing & you are the helper & to you the complaint has to be made. And we have got to depend upon you in hardships & easiness.

For well-being and safety of the community members and attendees we will not have program at Dar-ul-Hikmah until further notice. 

Instead, Inshallah we will have programs online via Skype video conferencing.

Please join the Skype group of Dar-ul-Hikmah. If you don’t have Skype account, it is free to join. You can use Skype on a computer, mobile phone or tablet. 

Please turn off your microphone and Video during online session.

Wednesday Program (April 8/Shaban 14):

Program starts at 8:00pm(Online Via Skype):

15th Shaban Amaal

  • Recitation of Quran

  • Dua Tawassul

  • 15th Shaban Amaal lead by Shaykh Muhammad Hassan Rafati. 

Thursday Program (April 9/Shaban 15):

No program this week

Friday Prayer (April 10/Shaban 16):
No Friday Prayer this week


Saturday Program (April 11/Shaban 17):

Program starts at 8:00pm(Online Via Skype):

Celebrating birth of Imam Mahdi(atfs)

  • Recitation of Quran

  • Hadith Kisa

  • Maddahi (ceremonial eulogy), Poem
  • Speech by Maulana Nayyer Reza Shirazi. Speech topic:”Are we ready for arival of the waited Savior Mola Imam Mahdi(atfs)”

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