02 Jul

Celebrating birth of Imam Ridha(as)


Weekly Announcements

عن الامام علي الرضا عليه السلام :
وسُئِلَ عَن خِيارِ العِبادِ،فَقالَ (ع): اَلَّذيِنَ اِذا اَحسَنُوا استَبشَرُوا وَاِذا آساء وا استَغفَرُوا: وَاِذَا أُعطُوا شَکَرُوا،وَاِذا بتُلُوا صَبَرُوا، وَاِذا غَضِبُوا عَفوا. (تحف العقول ص445)

Imam Ridha(as): 

A person asked Imam Ridha’ (as) ', who are the best of servants?'

So he responded ',Those who when they perform good deed they become glad & when they perform a bad deed they ask the forgiveness (of Allah) & when they are granted they thank (for it). And while they get afflicted & grieved they exercise patience. And when they get enraged & angry they forgive. (Overlook. other faults).

For well-being and safety of the community members and attendees we will not have program at Dar-ul-Hikmah until further notice. 

Instead, Inshallah we will have programs online via Skype video conferencing.

Please join the Skype group of Dar-ul-Hikmah. If you don't have Skype account, it is free to join. You can use Skype on a computer, mobile phone or tablet. 

Please turn off your microphone and Video during online session.

Thursday Program (July 2/Dhu al-Qidah 10):

Program starts at 9:30pm(Online Via Skype):

Celebrating birth of Imam Ridha(as)

  • Recitation of Quran

  • Dua Kumail

  • Speech by Maulana Muhammad Baig

  • Ziyarat Waritha

Friday Prayer (July 3/Dhu al-Qidah 11):
No Friday Prayer this week

Saturday Program (July 4/Dhu al-Qidah 12):

No Program this week.


Online bookings are not available for this event.

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